Jan 22, 2024
Pchum Ben Festival: Honoring Ancestors in Cambodia
Unfortunately for Cambodia, Pchum Ben cannot be described as vibrant and colorful; however, it serves to remember our ancestors and family.
I know this is observed for fifteen days, starting at the end of September or the beginning of October; this is not a day of sorrow but a holiday, a memory of family and friends and of those who remain with us even after their death.
The era of offerings and merit-making
Pchum Ben is also known as Ancestral Day, based on Buddhist beliefs that the gates of hell are opened during this period. Traditionally, the people believed that these gates were reserved for the spirits of their ancestors to move around.
To honor these spirits and offer them solace, families engage in a series of heartwarming rituals:
Food Offerings:
Cambodians meticulously organize various tasty meals, and sticky rice balls, 'called bay ben,' are highly valued.
These are presented at temples or on domestic shrines; these represent the food the spirits are provided for the duration of their stay on earth.
Monks Chanting:
Hymns of monks singing bhajans and vednaras echo through the silence of the festival.
It is attributed that these chants direct the spirits and provide them with merits that will help them in the next world.
Prayers and Ceremonies:
Families go to/attend temples with beautiful paint jobs. Here, they pray to the forefathers and ask for the blessings for the rest of the journey brought in by the forefathers.

Unfortunately for Cambodia, Pchum Ben cannot be described as vibrant and colorful; however, it serves to remember our ancestors and family.
I know this is observed for fifteen days, starting at the end of September or the beginning of October; this is not a day of sorrow but a holiday, a memory of family and friends and of those who remain with us even after their death.
The era of offerings and merit-making
Pchum Ben is also known as Ancestral Day, based on Buddhist beliefs that the gates of hell are opened during this period. Traditionally, the people believed that these gates were reserved for the spirits of their ancestors to move around.
To honor these spirits and offer them solace, families engage in a series of heartwarming rituals:
Food Offerings:
Cambodians meticulously organize a variety of tasty meals, and sticky rice balls, 'called bay ben,' are highly valued.
These are presented at temples or on domestic shrines; these represent the food the spirits are provided for the duration of their stay on earth.
Monks Chanting:
Hymns of monks singing bhajans and vednaras echo through the silence of the festival.
It is attributed that these chants direct the spirits and provide them with merits that will help them in the next world.
Prayers and Ceremonies:
Families go to/attend temples with beautiful paint jobs. Here, they pray to the forefathers and ask for the blessings for the rest of the journey brought in by the forefathers.
Family and Community as Celebrated
Pchum Ben is not only a time of mourning but also so much more. What a wonderful event that enhances the unity among people and their loved ones.
This is seen as people cross distances and spend time with their families. They show their respect to their ancestors by paying them a visit and making a wish or talking and recalling happy moments about their lost loved ones.
Such collective remembering also helps to maintain people's identity and strengthens their respect for family lineage.
Public Holidays and Traditions
Pchum Ben is acknowledged and respected by the Cambodian government by being given the national holiday status. Such a long relief is helpful because it helps the population to become truly engrossed in the celebration. Some time-honored traditions observed during Pchum Ben include:
Making Merit:
An aspect of Cambodian culture is that people perform charity, contributing food and other necessities to monks. These acts are believed to be the source of merits for the living and the spirits of the ancestors.
Lighting Incense:
Incense sticks, which burn and give off nice smells, are burned in temples and homes. This art is a form of talking to the spirits of ancestors, relatives, and deities, and as such, it is a sign of honor and also a form of remembering them.
Respectful Atmosphere:
Pchum Ben is a better time for blaring music, noisy festivities, and revelries. However, what is most evident in these spaces is the tranquility and spirituality of these areas to encourage people to be still and pray.
Pchum Ben and the Capacity of Memory
In this respect, we need to insist that the evidence of the Pchum Ben festival testifies to people's main priority—remembering their ancestors and those dearest to them.
Present-day living is hectic, and much prominence is given to technological advancements in this respect. Pchum Ben is a good lesson for people to slowly learn the importance of maintaining traditions and continue writing the stories of their loved ones.
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Pchum Ben: A Celebration of Life and Legacy
The tradition represented by Pchum Ben is solidarity with ancestors’ spirits that still manage to affect people’s lives. It makes people remember and appreciate their history as well as also gives an opportunity to practice the celebration of the current year and guarantee the further influence of the previous generations’ experiences.

Pchum Ben festival is such a good example that explains the spirit of tradition and the passion with which people hold their deceased. Thus, in choosing to remember and save the future commentaries on the past, we do not forget our ancestors and their valuable lessons are actively passed to descendants.
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